
A Poem

I wrote this a while back. I thought it was good, but a little while after I thought it sucked. Now I think its good again, but maybe that's because i changed it around.

On Winter and Love

Time stops.
As Winter's first frozen tear falls
to the ground, a fleeting youth smiles, much
like a victim of Love, who,
as the passion grows within him, flowering and becoming, again,
he is a child in the snow. happy.
Comforted by warm jackets and sentiments, the youth and the victim
dance their season's dance, a carnal rapture. But soon,
time starts.
The snow melts;
the passion dies.
And these creatures show their true forms of gloom.
All that remains is a cold, barren emptiness.
The smile of the youth fades; the heart of the man breaks,
and Winter and Love lay in hibernation, until next


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